Genesis 12:1-3
"...I will make you....I will bless will be a blessing...all people will be blessed through you..."
Have you ever wondered why God choses to bless you? Have you ever thought of all the things that God blessed you with? Have you ever look at what is in your 'hands' at this season or junction in your life? In James 1:17 it says "Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven"(MSG), and indeed nothing that you have is not from God.
Pastor Dowdy shared in her sermon 2 Sundays ago that God Position us, for a Purpose so that the Prosperity of God will be ushered to all His people. What a powerful statement to bring us believers back to source of focus on the blessor, not so much the blessing. Remember that behind every blessing, there is a blessor and He is none other than our Heavenly Father.
There is always a greater purpose for the blessings we receive and as we learn to usher and channel that blessing to others in order for God's Name to be glorified, then only God will ensure the sustainability of that blessing in our life. Just like a car being purchased here in Singapore; seldom does one use it forever. Although one owns it, but after 3-4 years, he/she sells it away. Likewise, as a child of God, knowing that we're living for eternity, we are "Owners of none but Stewards of all". Everything that God has given to us is to allow us to take ownership of it and to almost always put it into 'GOOD' use for the glory of God.
Blessedness is always a test of our stewardship in Christ and as you learn to be a willing vessel for God to use to be a blessing to others in terms of your time, words, actions, finances etc., then God will definitely pour out His blessings upon your life. Just like that little seedling lying in the hands of an individual in the picture above: whether it can grow and ultimately bear fruit will be highly dependent on where it is placed and how much care is being showered upon it. Seemingly, God have blessed each one of us with much today and the question to reflect upon is:
1) Where are we placing the blessings ?
2) How are we stewarding our blessings?
As a believer of Christ, think of how we can steward our blessings, big or small, in our lives so that people can experience the grace, hope and unconditional love of God through us. Let's be sure of our position in Christ that we are blessed to be a much greater blessing for God!